So the photography 'category' is looking a little bereft of content, best address that then..
I've been using drones off and on since 2014 with mixed results - generally time, inclination and confidence have been the key limiting factors. Hardware has generally never been a limitation, though things are significantly easier and safer now compared to my initial DJI F450.
Today I shoot with the DJI Mavic Air 1 which I've had since 2018 and it serves me well. Being small and compact it fits neatly in my camera bag, and thus removes the excuse of "if only I brought XXX along..". That said, my camera bag (LowePro 400 AW) does require elements of "Eastern Bloc Weightlifter" to carry it around.
UK legislation (and Worldwide also) have changed significantly too since 2014 which I think is essential. The CAA and law have caught up, and things are much more clear, sensible, and safer. Most recently since Jan 2021 where there are much clearer operating guidelines and methods to certify and fly safely that allows people with the correct training to fly closer and in more controlled spaces. But equally allow others with lightweight toy drones to have fun safely.
Looking at my "confidence" limitation, I thought I'd address that with a spot of training and resulting formal certification. The A2 CofC course, proves a level of competency that I'm actively looking for hazards and essentially planning ahead to not only fly safely, weather, maintenance, law etc, but get the best out of the shoot. Living in London means that there are FLZ's (Flight Restriction Zones) right on my doorstep, so any flying requires a drive out of town to find somewhere equally interesting and safe.
I can't recommend these folks enough: UAVHub, and their A2 CofC course + exam, super helpful, clear and highly informative. Much of the content is over and above what you need for recreational flying, but equally stands you in good stead if you want to fly commercially.
Useful links: