The ramblings of an IT Professional, Long Distance Runner, Creative, and Maker of Stuff.
Modular Synthesizer Project
Part 9 - Voltage Quantizer
7th November 2020
 1 min read

This is quite a useful little module that based around an ATTiny85 microcontroller. I chose this approach as building the logic with discrete IC's is a bit of a chore.

So what does it do? It takes an input CV signal (0-10v) and quantises it a specific value before outputing the signal (again 0-10v).

The easiest way to describe this is to consider the input voltage as being a straight line, and the output voltage being a series of steps. Where each step is a 1/12th of a volt (hence 1v/octave scaling over 12 notes per octave). This means that quantiser simply rounds up or down the voltage value to the nearest 1/12 of octave.

Note Quantiser
Note Quantiser

To give a bit more control we added a tune knob on the front that allows the output to be pitched up between 0-12 notes (ie an octave). This allows the simple 1-12 input to be shifted in key (relative) to help tune with other instruments.

The code logic is actually quite simple:

#include <tinySPI.h> #define CS 1 #define IN A3 #define OFFSET A2 #define CLOCK_PIN 2 #define DATA_PIN 0 #define NOTE_SF 41.67f //47.069f void setup() { pinMode(IN,INPUT); pinMode(OFFSET,INPUT); pinMode(CS, OUTPUT); pinMode(CLOCK_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(DATA_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CS, HIGH); } void loop() { int offset = map(analogRead(OFFSET),0,1024,0,12); int val = map(analogRead(IN),0,512,0,12); unsigned int value = (unsigned int) ((float) (offset+val) * NOTE_SF + 0.5); digitalWrite(CS, LOW); shiftOut(DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, MSBFIRST, 0 << 7 | 0 << 6 | 1 << 5 | 1 << 4 | (value & 0xF00) >> 8); shiftOut(DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, MSBFIRST, value & 0xFF); digitalWrite(CS, HIGH); delay(10); }

In action below with the step sequencer and playing nicely with the DrumBrute.

More blog posts in this series:
